Saturday, December 29, 2007

Back in Portland OR

Yo. It took just a few hours by plane for what took me 2 and a half months riding.

Andrea and I spent christmas on the San Blas island, with moderate weather but very interesting culture there, in the Kuna tribes. We had to take a jeep through the mudd (got stuck several times and took 6 hours for 150 km) and a canoe to reach the islands. Amazing adventure.

I am now back in portland with time to look back on what I have achieved. It has opened many doors.


Anonymous said...

Hello Nico, Happy New Years! Looks like an AMAZING trip, excellent pictures. I'm in Chicago now, you should visit if you get a chance. I will stop by Philly sometime soon.

Anonymous said...

Hello Nico,
Happy new year and all the best for this new one.
Congatulations for your trip, the pictures are fantastics. Well done!
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Loris & Mari